Appreciate All of It!

Jan 17, 2018 | Metaphysical Principles, Personal Development | 0 comments

I have been reading a book I found amongst my many books, by Panache Desai. I feel compelled to share some of the insights I have been given by his writings. Appreciation in EVERYTHING. What a concept! Just for today I am going to try and appreciate everything…the GOOD, the BAD, the UGLY, the OBVIOUS PLEASURES and the SORROWS and SET-BACKS. By remembering that either everything is Divine or nothing is, helps me to do this. I was told a long time ago that I can’t have it both ways.

Appreciation for all things is not a feeling, it is a decision. By truly embracing all things with gratitude we allow ourselves to experience everything without judgement or resentment. If where we are today, here on earth, is the only place in the universe that we can experience sorrow, insecurity, joy, happiness, then shouldn’t we welcome every emotion? I say YES! Let us cultivate an appreciation for the experience of life! If you were enjoying a seven course meal by a world renown chef, wouldn’t you want to experience and taste everything placed before you? Especially if you had wine pairings? We might not like everything placed before us, but we would appreciate the experience, right?

Imagine if we could appreciate all that is? Today I appreciate that I am alive, that I have heat, that I have a loving husband and two crazy cats. I appreciate the crooked old drafty farmhouse I live in and I appreciate the long distant relationships with my circle of friends and family. Let’s  ask ourselves… what do you see in front of you? Stop…look…..listen…..acknowledge….love…..appreciate. We will start seeing miracles and blessing in everything, everyday.

The Book, if you are interested, is “Discovering Your Soul Signature”. I recommend it!

Appreciating you today and always!






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