Looking Backwards

Looking Backwards

Looking Backwards   I would like to start this post with Merriam-Webster’s definition of backward. Definition of backward 1 a :toward the back or rear, She glanced backward over her shoulder. b :with the back foremost, Take three steps backward. 2 a :in a...
Root Chakra Affirmations

Root Chakra Affirmations

Root Chakra Affirmations Karen and I have been facilitating an amazing and healing Rose Meditation for the past couple of weeks. Having not used it for awhile it was time to brush up on the different Chakras and their effects when balanced and unbalanced on our...
Forgiving Yourself

Forgiving Yourself

Forgiving Yourself We have all heard that we must learn to forgive ourselves, but what does that really mean? Forgive ourselves…. I have had many moments in my life that I would like to re-do. Unfortunately, in this life we don’t get do-overs, especially on the...

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